What is your address?
1626 Stuart Road
Cleveland, TN 37312
What are your hours?
Monday – Friday: 8:00 am – 5:30 pm
Saturday: 8:00 am – 12:00 noon
Sunday: Closed
Can I bring my pet in without an appointment?
We suggest that you make an appointment. This allows us to maximize the time we are able to spend with your pet and maximize our efficiency in caring for the patients. Walk-ins are accepted but can expect a wait as they will be worked into the appointments already on the schedule.
What is the procedure for handling emergencies nights/weekends/holidays?
Call our hospital to receive a recorded message for the emergency hospitals we refer to. We typically refer to:
- Veterinary Care and Specialty Group
- 3812 Tennessee Avenue
- Chattanooga TN
- P: 423-591-0270
- Animal Emergency and Specialty Center
- 6393 Lee Highway
- Chattanooga TN 37421
- P: 423-822-8304
I took my pet to another veterinarian when he was sick – now I just need more medicine and your office is closer. Can I pick up the medication from you?
We can fill prescriptions originating from another hospital after we contact the prescribing veterinarian for their approval.
Do you bill?
Payment is required at the time services are rendered. We accept cash, checks, Debit, Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover. We do not allow billing. Checks can only be accepted by clients who have been established with us for 6months or longer.
In addition, we accept Care Credit which we feel is an excellent alternative to billing by the practice. Care Credit is designed to provide this service for us giving you much better payment options and rates. Care Credit may be applied for by phone (800) 365-8295 or online @ www.carecredit.com.
What type of information can you provide me about pet insurance?
Though we don’t endorse any one pet insurance company, we provide brochures for several insurance companies, including “Veterinary Pet Insurance”.